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Fall in Love with YOU!

There’s something about fall that always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Breaking out the cozy sweaters, snuggling up by the fire, apple picking, taking long drives to view the changing of the leaves, all of these things put a smile in my heart. Although I can’t say I look forward to winter, I spend a lot of time in the fall enjoying the beauty of nature. The changing of the leaves reminds me to make changes within in order to help make a difference to others. We’ve all heard that in order to truly love someone, you must first love yourself, right? But what does that look like? You may be asking; how can I do that? Here are a few ways to help get you started.

  1. Keep promises to yourself. This is a big one, and in my opinion, the most important. When you say you’re going to do something, and complete that task, it feels amazing! It helps boost your self-confidence and makes you feel powerful. It doesn’t matter if the promise is big or small. This is an exercise in self-care with enormous rewards.

  2. Make time for YOU. Whether you take a few minutes each day to read, attend a class, take a bath or a long walk, set aside time each day to do something you love. Put it on your calendar and just do it.

  3. Change things up. Get a haircut, a facial, or buy a new shade of lipstick. Changing things up can help you feel refreshed and beautiful again.

  4. Make NOW the time. Don’t wait until next year to lose weight, run your first 5k, or learn to play the guitar. The time is NOW. Do that thing you’ve been putting off for “someday” today.!

  5. ​Surround yourself with good people. Stop making room for (and waiting around for) the people who don’t lift you up. If being with someone feels more like work than pleasure, stop doing it. Don’t engage in gossip and tearing other people down. Life is hard enough.

  6. Be compassionate. It’s easy to show compassion to others, but we really need to show more for ourselves. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes and don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on the positive. We are our own biggest critics. Instead be your own best friend. If you wouldn’t say something to your BFF, don’t say it to yourself. Cut out the negative self-chatter.

  7. Be grateful. No matter what life throws at you, there’s always something to be grateful for. Find it and remind yourself of it daily.

When we truly love ourselves that love spreads to others. I believe that by taking care of ourselves, loving ourselves, lifting each other up, we can spread the love across the entire planet and make this world a better place.

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My name is Nichole Malkiel. I am a Health & Lifestyle Coach and Personal Trainer.  My mission is to help you lose weight, get leaner, stronger, have more energy and ultimately live a healthier, happier life!  Click here to read more about me.

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