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About the Program

Kick the crash diets to the curb.

Tell your cravings to take a hike.

End the weight loss yo-yo.

Look and Feel Your Absolute Best!







It's time to take back control! Learn how to make healthy living a way of life without crash diets, deprivation or insanity. Get the lasting results you want in a way that fits your lifestyle. The No Excuses, New You 21-Day Program will teach you how to:


  • Lose weight and keep it off

  • Increase your energy

  • Get fit in 30 minutes or less

  • Kick your sugar cravings

  • Take control of your health

  • Remove obstacles and excuses 

  • And so much more!!!




Are you ready for REAL RESULTS that LAST?



If so, this is the program for you! The No Excuses, New You 21-Day Program will teach you how to make healthy choices that are realistic and fit your lifestyle, without deprivation. And you'll experience real results that last! Whether your goal is to lose weight, increase your energy, get fit or improve your overall health, this program can help!


No Excuses, New You is a 21-day program during which you'll learn how to:


  • Lose weight and keep it off

  • Increase your energy naturally

  • Exercise smarter, not longer, on your schedule (no equipment required) 

  • Make healthy food decisions that are tasty and satisfying

  • Set and accomplish your goals in a realistic way

  • Remove the obstacles and excuses blocking your success

  • Look and feel your absolute best

  • And so much more!

Why No Excuses, New You?


My clients come to me for a number of reasons, the most common of which include:


  • Lose weight and inches

  • Get a leaner, more toned body

  • Exercise more consistently

  • Increase energy

  • Make better food choices

  • Feel more confident

  • Look and feel better overall


What I've learned working with my clients and talking to friends and family is that they're tired of diet plans that are restrictive and have limited results. They want to learn how to lose weight and keep it off without starving and depriving themselves. They also want an exercise plan that's realistic and fits their schedule. 


I get it! You want to be able to eat healthy and not have it taste like cardboard. You want to be able to go out with friends and family and enjoy yourself, not worry about counting every little calorie. You're sick and tired of worrying about indulging in one snack or missing a workout because you'll never accomplish your goals if you do. 


I'm here to tell you there is a better way! You don't have to deprive yourself, eat bland food or kill yourself in the gym to accomplish your health and wellness goals. You can accomplish what you want, you just need to know how!


That's why I partnered with my good friend and fellow health coach and personal trainer, Shannon Daniels, to develop the No Excuses, New You 21-Day Program. We spent hundreds of hours creating the program and months testing with hundreds of people to ensure we're bringing you what you want and need - a permanent solution to achieve your goals. Why permanent? Because this is not a restrictive diet or meal plan. It's not a set of workout videos that you must do every day on a schedule to see results. The No Excuses, New You Program teaches you how to:


  • Lose weight and keep it off

  • Increase your energy naturally

  • Exercise smarter, not longer, on your schedule (no equipment required) 

  • Make healthy food decisions that are tasty and satisfying

  • Set and accomplish your goals in a realistic way

  • Remove the obstacles and excuses blocking your success

  • Look and feel your absolute best

  • And so much more!


All in just 21 days!


Don't take my word for it - check out the testimonials to read what past Program participants have to say!


Kick the crash diets to the curb.

Tell your cravings to take a hike.

End the weight loss yo-yo.

Look and Feel Your Absolute Best!


The No Excuses New You 21-Day Program was created with you in mind. We developed the Program to be simple, actionable and realistic so that you can throw those crash diets and overpriced exercise gadgets in the garbage, step off the weight loss roller coaster and achieve real and sustainable results! This Program will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to lose weight, feel great and look your best.


Core Steps


The No Excuses New You 21-Day Program consists of six core steps:






Keys to Success

This life-changing program consists of four key components for success:​





Each one of these tools serves a valuable purpose on your journey to health. 


  • New You Guide & Workbook (To make reaching your goals easy)

  • No Excuses Workout Guide (21 fat blasting workouts to take your body to the next level)

  • No Excuses Recipe Book (To make healthy eating easy and delicious)

  • 7-Day Clean Eating Plan (To jump-start your clean eating and weight loss efforts)


Upon enrolling in the program, you'll receive all of your tools via email with full instructions on how to get started and be successful in achieving your goals





"This challenge was exactly what I needed. Over the course of 3 weeks I challenged myself with the statement "No Excuses" and I realized that a healthier me was possible. I used to give up quickly because it wasn't as easy as 10 years ago. This challenge gave me the support and motivation that I needed to take the baby steps. At the end of the 3 weeks I was left wishing I did this years ago!"

"Initially I was a bit reluctant to sign up for the program. I am usually a self motivated individual and work best when I have space to try and execute my own ideas. I tend to hold myself accountable for my own success and my own failures so naturally I was not enthused about the idea of deriving motivation from others in a group setting and sharing myself on a continual basis. I thought the constant sharing would impede my progress.

I could not have been more wrong! The environment that the ladies facilitated was one of professionalism, motivation, excitement, and mutual consideration as well as accountability. I felt everyone had a bit of stake in the collective success of the participants. This created an excitement to report on my progress throughout the program.  The helpful pointers from Shannon and Nichole were very specific and delivered in an extremely professional vein. It was these pointers that were integral to maintaining my momentum in the program. The overwhelming support I received from not only Nichole and Shannon but the other participants of the program really helped me to achieve my fitness goals and I honestly would not have achieved them had I not taken part in the program. 

What I liked most about the program was that I was able to hit a stride with consistent workouts and consistent results. I am naturally a disciplined eater but the environment of mutual accountability among the participants of the program boosted my abilities to make the most beneficial eating choices for accomplishment of my fitness goals. Making healthy dietary choices was also boosted by the constant influx of new delectable creations shared in the environment, but also the expertly crafted healthy meals and recipes shared by coach Shannon and coach Nichole. 

Overall I would recommend this program to anyone who desires a fun and fulfilling environment to accomplish their fitness and wellness goals regardless of baseline level of expertise."-N.D

"The 21 Day Program is a fantastic challenge and not the typical "this is what you must do" challenge. Shannon and Nichole were fabulous and outlined underlying issues and beliefs and causes of weight gain. They emphasized the way everyone conquers this battle is individualized and unique for each person. They provided the tools and information about establishing a healthier lifestyle, and clients are free to develop a plan that works for them personally." -A.C

"Within 21 days I lost over 10 pounds. Most importantly, I learned how to eat a balanced diet and the importance of staying focused on my goals."

"The 21-day Program was realistic. It was a great way to hold myself accountable and to jump start me getting back into a healthy lifestyle."

"The Program was fun and motivating. It was nice to challenge myself with other participants all working toward a common goal. It really took the edge off of exercise in a good way, of course. I would totally recommend this challenge to anyone who needs help staying motivated to exercise."

"Nichole and Shannon responded to every post and were honest about their own challenges making good choices. The whole community chimed in with recipes and ideas. I learned a lot and got the motivation I needed to make some changes."

Core Steps
Keys to Success











Health & Life Coaching

Fitness Training

Yoga Instruction

Reiki Energy Healing

House Energy Clearing

No Excuses, New You 21-Day Program




Nichole Malkiel



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My name is Nichole Malkiel. I am a Health & Lifestyle Coach and Personal Trainer.  My mission is to help you lose weight, get leaner, stronger, have more energy and ultimately live a healthier, happier life!  Click here to read more about me.

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